Monday, November 2, 2009

Our First Garden

What an adventure we had planting a garden this year. We had so much fun learning and watching our plants grow. Here is Daphne with some of the things that we planted. She was so proud when it came time to harvest. She LOVED it!!!

Daphne would go out in the garden every day to see what had changed. She would ask people that were walking by if they wanted to come and see her garden. She was so proud. Here is the first picture we took of half the garden. Daphne was helping me water.

A ground chuck found our garden right after this picture. It ate most of the plants and we no longer had half the things we planted. They were really bad in our neighborhood. I was so discouraged. But some things bounced back and we were able to have a great harvest.

Here is the first produce that we picked from the garden.

Our peas went on a growing spurt after the ground chucks got them. They ended up being taller then Daphne. We had a lot of peas. We are so glad that we tilled in the grass last year and planted a garden this year. We are already planning out what we want to do different next year. All of us were proud of our little garden.


  1. Yummy garden! Thanks for sharing! Your tomatoes were, by far, the best I've ever tasted. They could have won first prize at the Fair! And how cute is Daph???! She's so fun! I will walk by and let her lure me into your garden everyday next year... just to see her sweet little eyes sparkle in accomplishment!

  2. Way to go. I'm very impressed!! Cute family pics too. I wish we lived CLOSER!

  3. My little Kaitlin just turned 2. She was sitting on my lap yesterday when I pulled up your blog. She laughed and said "me" when she saw daphne. She was so excited to see what she thought was herself. It was too funny. You have a cute family! Hope all is well.
