Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend!!

Easter was so much fun. We were really busy but we were able to spend a lot of time with family. We spend the whole weekend in South Jordan. We had a wedding on Friday, Easter Egg Hunts on Saturday and then More Easter Egg Hunts on Sunday. We also got to celebrate Grandma Farmers birthday. SOOO busy but SOOO fun!!!
Daphne got to die Easter Eggs for the first time this year. Madison and Mckaylee came over to Grandma Mabey's house to die the eggs.

Daphne and Madison waiting to start the Hunt. We went to a Easter Egg hunt Saturday morning put on by Republic Mortgage. Daphne had a great time except for the Easter Bunny.

Daphne was so fast at picking up eggs untill the Easter Bunny came over by her. She was scared to death of the bunny that as soon as he came over she stopped picking up the eggs and was trying to get away for the rest of the hunt. We have no pictures of the bunny to share.

Here is Ryker and Charlee hanging out between Easter Egg Hunts. They were excited to be out of their car seats and playing on the floor.

We had a family wedding this weekend and so the Mabey's were all in town and we had the great opportunity to get together for an Easter Egg Hunt. Here are all the great grandchildren waiting to go down and start picking up eggs. It was so fun to be able to spend time with my cousins who live out of state.

Jacob-Madison-Mckaylee and Daphne after the hunt at Grandpa Mabey's house. They all got hooked up with fun toys and plenty of candy.

Grandma Mabey has fun bunnies at her house. Here is Daphne and Ryker after church playing with the bunnies.

Getting Daphne to cooperate with a picture is hard work. She does not like to hold Ryker so we have to use the couch to prop him up. Here they are showing off their new Easter outfits. Don't they look happy?

My little Boy is growing up so fast. I think he is so handsome.

Ryker is so smiley. He always has a smile on his face unless he is ready for bed, ready to eat, or you get out the camera.


  1. Sounds like you had an awesome busy time. I wish my family was as close as yours. Ryker is getting so big! So on Sunday we were at Andrews parents ward. There was a man sitting in the corner. I said to Andrew look at that guy and without even saying another word he says he looks just like Ben Farmer huh? We saw the ben look alike. We miss you guys. I'm glad things are going so well. You really need to consider Denver in your relocation plans.

  2. Oh how fun! Your kids are growing up so fast I can't believe it.

  3. Your kids are so cute! Daphne seems so old! Call me next time you come down.

  4. The picture of Ryker and Charlee is WAY TOO CUTE!!! I can't wait to see all these babies this summer!!! (and you guys, too, of course!)

  5. So cute! I can't believe how big Ryker is getting. You are right, he is so handsome. Daphne looks so old too. It's been forever but it's great to see your cute fam on your blog.

  6. Anna!

    How fun to hear from you! gotta love this blogging thing! your kids are cuties, and i love the name ryker. we are doing great up here in cold alaska, can't complain though it is pretty! where are you? how's life? looks pretty good.

  7. your pics are fantastic!! I am so sad I was sick all weekend and missed everything!!

  8. Thanks for the post! It was fun to see what all of the Mabey's did. Ryker is getting big and he is such a handsome fellow!
